ME: wow i ove shopig what should i buy? a ne shirt for giai or should i go to the bar.. descicions desicions desicions
Judwat desides to go buya new shirt for his gigai *
ME:I love this shir it goes great with my gigai
*just secounds after oinari buys the hirt for his gigai 3 hoows appear behind him outside the shop*
ME: i wonder if they can see me.. *transforms into battle form n leves gigai siting i a chair*
Hollow#1: huh hey guys dou want to kll this shini?
Hollow#2: i guess how bout u?
Hollow#3: *runs tword oinari n swings at him*
ME: huh *drws zan and in a blink of an eye cuts hollow#3 inhalf *
Hollow#1,2: BROTHER.. You,you will pay for this